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Test EVERY Cow in the Food Chain

Test EVERY Cow in the Food Chain
Like Other Countries Do

Friday, February 5, 2010

Troy Hadrick, 5th Generation Rancher, Out to Put HSUS Supporters Out of BizNiz

Apparently, "Yellow Tail" Wine Co. has donated a significant amount of $$ to the Humane Society of the United States, and Troy Hadrick, a 5th Generation South Dakatoa rancher, takes offense and calles for a boycott of the wine.

Go here
to read more about Yellow Tail Wine Companys Generous Offer, and hopefully, you will buy their product in support of their efforts to help animals;

Then click on title to above to see Bebop Cowboy Asshole Troy Hadrick dump a bottle of Yellow Tail Wine on his cow-manure soaked pastures (Note how his own cows run from him when they see him coming)

(I am wondering if this guy is a public or private lands ranchers,..but then again, it really dosent matter as they are all on the govt subsidity welfare dole BIG TIME;

USDA Misappropriates over 1 BILLION of Your Taxpayer Dollars;

More Help for Wealthy Farmers and Ranchers at Taxpayers Expense;

See Also, "Public Lands Ranching: The Subsidizied Destruction of Our American West," -

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This comment: (I am wondering if this guy is a public or private lands ranchers,..but then again, it really dosent matter as they are all on the govt subsidity welfare dole BIG TIME;
is complete BS and obviously you do not have your facts straight. You know what they say, a smart person is never the one that starts a right - it is always a bunch of ignorant people. I would say that you are the head nut.