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Thursday, March 19, 2009

Two Local Cases of Creutzfeldt-Jakob (Human Mad Cow) Disease

Two cases of Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease (Mad Cow?) in Roane
Submitted by eatmorechicken on March 17, 2009 - 7:21pm.

I wonder if many people in our county caught this article on regarding one confirmed case of Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease CJD (sometimes known as mad cow disease) in our community. The families effected by this monstrous disease are obviously being ignored since this is the only article that has appeared in our news media and they responded to this article explaining how inaccurate their count was. Wonder how such a rare disease has sporadically invaded two of our citizens without the health department knowing? How many more have been missed or not reported because it is so rare our doctors don't look for it as a possibility. All the research indicates there is a one in a million chance you get this disease, yet we have two or maybe more cases effecting our community now. Neither case has been diagnosed as the "classic" case which the article suggests is the case here. You can feel the pain and suffering when you read the comments. My thoughts and prayers are with these families.

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Holy Bleep!!!!

Submitted by WhitesCreek on March 17, 2009 - 7:36pm.

This is of extreme concern to me. I'm stunned, frankly. It appears that there are far more cases of this than just two.

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Add my prayers too

Submitted by RICK on March 17, 2009 - 7:45pm.

This is disturbing news to me. It should be to anyone who reads it. How could the health department not know this? Or could it be that they are tring to just keep it quiet while they "try" to deal with it. I am glad for this site. It makes people so much more aware of critical issues in our community. Thanks for the post. I hope those with more information will share it with us.

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Info on CJD

Submitted by WhitesCreek on March 18, 2009 - 7:53am.


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Submitted by RoaneBooster on March 18, 2009 - 8:54am.

... does the info come from saying MORE than the number specified by the Health Dept have the disease? And where does the information come from saying the Health Department doesn't know about the cases?


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Response to Where...

Submitted by eatmorechicken on March 18, 2009 - 5:50pm.

The info comes from the families of the victims RB. The ones who have lost their loved ones to CJD. The ones who are calling and talking to agencies who are suppose to advise and protect us. They call hoping someone will recognize what is happening to their families and their community. Sadly today, the Rockwood man lost his battle with this disease. I hope and pray there are no other cases reported, but if their are people in our community suffering and don't know what it wrong with them, they deserve information.

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More Info

Submitted by melton on March 18, 2009 - 4:24pm.

My grandmother passed away from this disease on February 4th. She only lived 10 days after she was diagnosed. We received the initial autopsy results last Friday. She was infected by eating tainted meat. She lives in Kingston, TN (Roane County). We have notified the CDC and they are investigating.

Since then we learned of a man in Rockwood, TN (Roane County) that is dying of this same disease right now, a woman in Parkwest from Roane County that is dying of it right now, and a woman passed away at Roane Medical Center (also a Roane County resident)of it right before Christmas.

This disease is VERY uncommon and we are trying to find the link between all parties. I will keep everyone informed of our progress. The CDC did notify the Health Department, but for some reason they aren't telling the truth about the whole situation.

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How are they lying?

Submitted by RoaneBooster on March 18, 2009 - 4:58pm.

What are they doing that is spreading falsehood?


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